While we become older we tend to suffer from thinner and drier skin. Moreover, there might be other aging symptoms such as wrinkles. As a matter of fact, our skin happens to be the largest organ within our system which must be properly taken care of. Fortunately, it will be feasible to keep your skin healthy by applying the proper techniques and products. Here, we have mentioned some surefire guidelines that will prevent your skin from aging prematurely.
1. Safeguard your skin from the sun
Protection from the sun is of paramount importance when it comes to preventing your epidermis from aging. In fact, the rays of the sun are responsible for making our epidermis appear aged. We make use of the term “photoaging” for describing the effect of the sun on the skin. There are several ways to safeguard skin from the sun.
Make sure to find out a shady area where the sunlight is not able to penetrate. Cover your body with sun-protecting garments such as a pair of sunglasses, shirts, and trousers with long sleeves, as well as sunscreen which happens to be at least SPF 30. The sunscreen should be water-resistant as well providing broad-spectrum protection. It will be a good idea to apply sunscreen to those parts of your body that are not covered by garments. The usage of gloves and wide-brimmed hats while going out in the sun is also suggested.
2. Use a gentle cleanser for washing

In case you are in the habit of applying makeup or skincare products during the day, make certain the clean it properly at the end of the day. Cleansing will also help you to get rid of pollutants, skin oils, and bacteria that might have gathered over time. This will likewise help the skincare products to penetrate your epidermis without any problem whatsoever.
While cleansing, make sure to do it in gentle and circular motions while using a light hand too. In case you scrub aggressively, it might irritate your delicate skin, thus speeding up aging in the long run.
A gentle cleanser will assist in preserving your skin barrier while keeping it resistant to damage as well as dehydration. Make it a point to use cleansers having a low pH which will aid in maintaining the balance of the skin. Refrain from using soaps and other cleansers having a high pH since these are extremely harsh and can make the skin susceptible to infection and irritation.
Make sure not to purchase any cleanser with fancy ingredients. Try not to use sodium lauryl sulfate since it can prove to be quite harsh.
3. Use anti-aging cream for your hands
Even though you might be using a facial moisturizer, you should likewise take care of your hands. This is because your hands need love as well. The part of the skin at the back of your hands tends to be quite delicate and there is a possibility of the formation of dark spots due to exposure to the sun for long periods.
Make it a point to apply sunscreen on the hands gently each morning so as to slow down the process of aging. Before going to bed at night, it will be sensible to use some like vaseline which will help to strengthen the barrier of the skin.
4. Use moisturizer regularly
Our skin tends to become dry as we start aging. Wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear over time. The moisturizer has the ability to trap water on the epidermis providing it with a healthy appearance and making us appear more youthful than ever before.
5. Drink plenty of water
Consuming at least 7 to 8 glasses of water on a regular basis is essential for our entire system to function optimally. The same can be said of our skin as well. The ability of our bodies to retain moisture becomes less as we start aging and this can result in the formation of wrinkles in the long run. However, it will be feasible to make our skin appear young and healthy by keeping it hydrated.
6. Refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol
The smoke of cigarettes consists of toxins which can result in smoker’s face. In such cases, one might suffer from leathery skin, formation of wrinkles and fine lines, plus dry and dull complexion.
Another tip to maintain the youthfulness of the skin will be to consume less alcohol. In fact, alcoholic beverages happen to be quite harsh on the skin and can damage it by making it dehydrated. In that case, we will appear older before we actually become old.
7. Watch your diet
One cannot deny the fact that food plays an important role in maintaining proper physical and mental health. Consequently, it is of prime importance to consume food items which will aid in nourishing the skin while providing it with essential nutrients as well. Refrain from eating anything that might dehydrate the skin, for example, alcoholic beverages. Also, try to avoid food items that are rich in the content of white carbohydrates and sugar since these can make you look more aged by breaking down the glucose.
Instead, provide your body with plenty of protein by ingesting foods such as lean meats, fish, legumes, and beans. Moreover, it is highly recommended to consume foods rich in the content of vitamin C. cooked tomatoes, which consist of an antioxidant known as lycopene, will help us to combat sun damage to a great extent. Even though this antioxidant won’t be able to get rid of the existing lines and spots, it will help to prevent more damage in the future.
8. Get lots of slumber
Sleep will allow our body to become rejuvenated and refreshed, and for this reason, it is known as “beauty rest”. By slumbering, our bodies will be able to repair any damage experienced by it throughout the day. On the other hand, insufficient sleep can result in the premature aging of our epidermis in the long run. Furthermore, try to unwind by taking a deep breath since it will be possible to make our skin appear young by getting rid of tension and stress.