It will be possible to lose weight by modifying your eating habits. However, it is not the only way to shed pounds at present. Working out on a regular basis will also help to get the job done effectively. You should try to achieve a minimum of 300 minutes of workouts every week so as to get the best results. Below, we have mentioned some exercises which will assist you in getting slim without any problem whatsoever.
1. Running
There is no doubt about the fact that running or jogging will be a fantastic way to reduce weight. There is no need to invest in a treadmill for this. You simply need to lace up your sneakers and hit the road and that’s all!
Running can be described as a type of cardiovascular exercise which enables our lungs and heart to function harder. In this way, it will be possible for our body to burn more energy which was stored in the fat cells. If we are able to burn more calories than what we are consuming, it will result in weight reduction. However, you will not get slim overnight and several months can be consumed for getting the best results.
Running is usually free since it will be possible for individuals to run in any open area or parks close to their residence. Moreover, they will not require any other equipment apart from sneakers. Another benefit is that it is possible for most people to run without indulging in extensive training.
2. Walking

Walking happens to be an extremely good form of exercise, especially when it comes to losing weight. Beginners will not find it difficult to perform this exercise and they will not feel overwhelmed to do so as well. Moreover, one does not need to purchase any equipment for going for a stroll.
As compared to running, walking is a lower intensity kind of workout. In spite of this, walking provides us with some benefits. For instance, one can continue to walk for a considerable span of time without getting exhausted. It will be ideal for people whose fitness is not up to the mark. Moreover, walking in the midst of natural surroundings will provide the walker with a pleasant experience. Apart from this, walking has also other benefits such as enhancement of slumber, better memory, and so on.
Make it a point to go for short walks in the initial stages, and build up to longer ones over time. In fact, you will be able to burn more calories by walking faster and longer.
3. Jumping rope
It is a fact that you will be able to burn as many as 320 calories every 30 minutes by performing this exercise. Moreover, it is going to exercise all the muscles within your system apart from the heart. This is due to the fact that jumping rope happens to be a full-body workout. It is ideal for strengthening the ankle and the calf, enhancing core strength, developing coordination, improving posture, and so forth. It likewise aids in building bone density for preventing conditions such as osteoporosis.
It is suggested for you to start this workout slowly and perform it in 30 to 40-second bursts. After mastering the timing as well as flick-of-the-wrist it will be feasible for you to increase your duration and speed for burning more calories.
4. Swimming
Swimming is undoubtedly a fantastic way to shed pounds without injuring yourself by any means. According to research, it has been found that a person weighing 70 kg will be able to burn around 230 calories by swimming for 30 minutes. However, your capability to burn calories will depend on how you are swimming in the water.
There are various types of swimming activities at present including backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and simply treading water. A person weighing 70 kg will be able to burn 300 calories doing backstroke for a span of 30 minutes. On the other hand, 30 minutes of butterfly will allow the individual to burn 409 calories. Similarly, 370 calories will be burnt by performing breaststroke for half an hour.
Swimming happens to be an awesome total-body exercise where you will be using your arms, legs, as well as the core for staying afloat. This will aid you in building endurance and strength.
5. Cycling
Being a popular workout, cycling will help you to shed pounds while improving fitness at the same time. It will be feasible for a person weighing 70 kg to burn approximately 250 calories by cycling on a stationary bike for a span of 30 minutes. On the other hand, he will be able to burn around 300 calories by bicycling at a moderate speed for 30 minutes.
Even though this activity is usually performed outdoors, some fitness centers have made provisions for stationary bikes at present as well. This will allow the person to get the job done while remaining indoors. While using a stationary bike it will be feasible for the individual to increase the intensity and modify the resistance as well. On the contrary, while cycling outdoors, one can easily pedal faster for increasing the intensity.
The good thing is that many cycles are available at affordable rates these days so that almost all people can afford them. Cycles can also be used for commuting from one location to another without paying anything at all. In case you use your cycle to go to your workplace and also return to your residence, you can easily maintain a healthy weight without any problem at all.
6. Climbing stairs
It is always a challenge to climb stairs despite the fact that you might be a healthy and fit person. This is because the stairs are usually designed in such a way that you need to engage additional muscles including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Climbing stairs will help you to burn as many as 500 calories every hour. In case you don’t like to sprint up the stairs, make sure to just walk your way up. This will be enough to burn lots of calories for shedding pounds. Apart from helping you to lose weight, this activity will also help you to lower your cholesterol levels to a great extent.