In case you are starting to meditate for the first time, you might find it to be somewhat challenging to do so. After all, you are learning an innovative skill which will take some time as well as effort to become familiar with. You will suffer from various hindrances such as boredom, doubt, and restlessness. However, you need to be disciplined and committed so as to enjoy the benefits of meditation. Below, we have mentioned some essential guidelines which will help you to meditate better.

1. Fix a particular time for meditation
It is imperative for you to choose a particular time when you do not feel restless. Anything like after waking up in the morning, prior to looking at the computer on your smartphone could be ideal. Make sure to stick to the identical time every single day and try to convert it into a habit. This will help you to remember to meditate every day without fail. On most occasions, it will be a good idea to meditate in the morning when our mind remains relaxed and calm.
2. Put on appropriate clothing
In case you are wearing garments which are not too tight and sticky, you will be able to breathe freely and sit comfortably as well. Moreover, make sure to put on washed clothes so that the smell of unwashed garments does not distract you while meditating. If you are not wearing loose clothes, for example, while meditating at your workplace, make sure to remove them or loosen them.
3. Consume food in moderate amounts
It is a fact that you might feel lazy and sleepy in case you are indulging in processed and junk food items as well as sugary drinks. This can prevent you from meditating properly. Make sure to consume your meals at least 30 minutes before starting to meditate. Moreover, it will be a good idea to avoid drinking beverages such as alcohol, coffee, and so on before meditating.
4. Find an appropriate location for meditation
Just like you go to your workplace for concentrating on your work, it will likewise be important to find a suitable place where you can focus on meditation. In this way, you will be able to train your mind and body to be comfier in the long run. Try to keep the place uncluttered and free of any distraction which will help you to meditate better. In a nutshell, the location should help you to have a feeling of calmness and peace. It will be a sensible idea to place some plants in the location or you can also find a cool area beside the window.
5. Make sure to clear your mind
It will not be a sensible idea to start meditating immediately after completing a challenging task. This is because you will find it quite difficult to remind calm during this time. Consequently, make sure to sit down and relax for several minutes before starting to meditate. This will help you to focus properly and your mind will also not wander here and there during meditation.
6. Begin early
It will be a good idea to start meditating after getting up from your sleep in the morning. This will help to make sure that you are able to perform the task without fail whatsoever. Moreover, it will be a nice thing to start your day with meditation since it will make you feel rejuvenated and refreshed all the while.
7. Prepare your body before meditation
It is quite natural for you to feel restless while performing meditation. It happens to everybody, and you are not an exception to that. However, make it a point to perform some light exercise or yoga before starting to meditate which should help you to get rid of restlessness for good. Your mind will be able to settle down properly in the long run.
8. Lying down or sitting?
Make it a point to sit while performing your meditation. This is because in case you lie down there is a possibility for you to fall asleep and lose your mental alertness. On the other hand, if you stand or walk, you might be suffering from exhaustion and your mind will become restless and you will not be able to focus. Therefore, sitting while meditating is always a sensible idea.
• Make sure to sit in a comfortable position.
• Try not to make too many movements while sitting. Once you become comfortable, do not try to make many adjustments since it can distract you in the long run. If your body is still, you will be able to concentrate much better.
• Keep the palms open and they should be resting on your knees gently. In this way, life force energy will be able to flow freely.
9. Perform it consistently – every single day
Although you might find it difficult to meditate initially, make sure to get the job done consistently on a regular basis. Just like performing other activities of our lives, meditation likewise needs regular practice in case you like to build your skills and muscles.
10. Just breathe
There is no need for you to make meditation appear complicated. In order to perform mindfulness meditation, you simply need to bring your awareness again and again back to your breath. For instance, in case thought is creeping up in your mind, it will be a good idea to acknowledge it and then return to the sensation of yourself breathing once again.
11. Treat meditation as providing you with a quality time
It is a fact that you try every means to nurture a good relation with your near and dear ones by providing some time for that. However, it is also a fact that you need to provide yourself with a good time free of any distraction whatsoever. This will be possible with the help of meditation on a regular basis.
12. Try to find a class or group
Nothing will be better than to come across a group meditation class where it will be possible for you to get more guidance and you will also be able to share your experiences with others. Sometimes, meditating on your own can make you feel bored, and in that case, it will be a good idea to perform it in the company of other individuals.