Approximately 1 billion individuals across the globe are affected with high blood pressure at present. In fact, this condition affects around 30% of adults in the US. High blood pressure can increase the risk of stroke, heart ailments, and kidney disease to a great extent.
Fortunately, it is possible to reduce hypertension by altering our diet. It has been shown by research that certain items have the ability to reduce hypertension significantly. Healthy foods in combination with medicines and other treatments will aid in minimizing hypertension effectively. In this article, we have mentioned several of those astounding foods for lowering high blood pressure.
1. Berries
Berries are known to have lots of health benefits such as the reduction of heart ailments including high blood pressure. They are loaded with antioxidants which are responsible for the benefits offered by them. These antioxidants are known as anthocyanins which are mainly present in strawberries and blackberries and are accountable for lowering blood pressure.
It has been shown by research that these antioxidants help to increase the levels of nitric oxide in our bloodstream which minimizes the production of molecules that restrict our blood vessels. This, in turn, aids in reducing the levels of blood pressure. Nevertheless, further research has to be conducted in order to confirm this statement mentioned earlier.
2. Bananas

It is a fact that bananas are loaded with potassium which is responsible for controlling high blood pressure. Bananas are actually portable fruits which are low in the content of sodium and also quite sweet. One banana of medium size will provide us with as many as 420 mg of potassium. It has been found by studies that this ingredient helps in the reduction of the effects of sodium to a great extent.
Make sure to include bananas in your day-to-day diet by adding it to your bread, cereal, smoothies, cakes, and milkshakes.
3. Pomegranates
It will be possible to reduce hypertension by consuming pomegranate juice regularly. Being a sweet as well as a healthy fruit, pomegranates will be extremely beneficial for our health by consuming them either raw or in juices. It will be a good idea to use this particular fruit for having in your breakfast along with a delicious smoothie or oatmeal.
The main reason for their usefulness is the fact that pomegranates are packed with plenty of antioxidants. Although you can have this fruit whole, some individuals like to have it in the form of juice. However, while purchasing pre-packaged juice, make sure that no sugar has been added to it.
4. Spinach
Spinach happens to be an extremely useful vegetable which contains lots of nitrates, antioxidants, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. For this reason, consuming spinach will be a good idea for individuals suffering from hypertension. The good thing is that spinach is high in the content of fiber and also low in calories.
It is a fact that one cup of cooked spinach will be providing approximately 10% of the daily calcium requirements of an average individual. One fantastic way to consume more spinach in your daily diet will be to add it to sandwiches or salads. It has also been found that the consumption of spinach soup will help to minimize artery stiffness which will help in the reduction of hypertension and improvement of heart health as well.
5. Dark chocolate
In spite of being a sweet treat, dark chocolate can also be responsible for lowering hypertension. At the first glance, it might appear to you that you should refrain from eating this food item for good. However, we like to mention that dark chocolate is loaded with flavonoids which aid in diluting our blood vessels, thus minimizing blood pressure significantly.
In order to be effective, it is imperative for dark chocolate to contain at least 70% cocoa without any added sugar. It will be a good idea to consume one single piece of dark chocolate of approximately 1 ounce on a regular basis. The good thing is that it will be possible for you to get these scrumptious treats online in various flavors.
6. Yogurt
Yogurt is packed with lots of calcium which is approximately 30% of the daily requirement of an adult individual. One serving of plain yogurt will provide approximately 300 mg of calcium. It is a fact that deficiency of calcium can result in the increase of high blood pressure over time. As a matter of fact, unsweetened yogurts will be providing us with more benefits as compared to the sweetened ones. You can enjoy them along with nuts, fruits, or seeds for a healthy dessert or snack.
7. Cinnamon
It has been found by research that cinnamon can help in the reduction of hypertension at least for the short term. Being an extremely delicious spice, cinnamon has the ability to minimize systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure effectively. It is useful for flavoring oatmeal, breakfast bread, as well as other desserts. Cinnamon can also be used in place of sugar in desserts which will help to increase flavor without any harmful side effects whatsoever.
8. Pistachios
These are actually wholesome nuts that might help in the reduction of blood pressure. According to one particular study, it was revealed that consumption of these nuts in moderate amounts can help in the minimization of hypertension particularly when individuals are suffering from tension. This is because pistachios consist of a particular compound which aids in the loosening of blood vessels.
Moreover, pistachios are packed with nutrients which are essential for the regulation of hypertension as well as heart health. According to other studies, another type of nut known as almonds likewise has an identical effect. Pistachios can be consumed as a snack or you can likewise blend them into pestos as well. However, it will be a good idea to have them in an unsalted condition which can be purchased online.
Apart from consuming these healthy food items mentioned in this article, it will also be a sensible idea to lead a healthy lifestyle so as to minimize hypertension significantly. This will likewise aid in reducing heart ailments to a great extent. Moreover, make sure to perform workouts on a regular basis to get the best results.