Everyone’s life is busy nowadays. We have to get up early morning to the sound of the alarm clock. We cleanse our system and force-feed ourselves. We hurry out of our home, face the traffic quagmire and ultimately reach our working place. All these unnatural habits of everyday life, lead to stress and anxiety. Slowly as age increases, we feel totally exhausted and even vulnerable to certain life-style related diseases like diabetes and high pressure.
What is the way out of it? We need to adapt ourselves to this hectic lifestyle in order to maintain a decent livelihood. At the same time, we need to take care of our mental and physical health. The best solution to this impasse is to include a little time in your daily routine on exercise and fitness regime. There are many benefits of fitness and exercise if it is included in our daily routine.
Daily exercise like brisk walking for at least five kilometers every day, a yoga and meditation schedule in some yoga centers near your home would change your life in such a way that you cannot even imagine now. Slowly, as you make small changes in your daily life, it would affect the quality of your life in a positive way.
Some of the essential benefits of regular exercise and Fitness are as follows.

- Reduces the risk of diseases
People who are physically active and walk or cycle daily have less chance of having cardiac-related ailments. It prevents the occurrence of life-style related diseases like diabetes, metabolic disorder, gastronomic complaints, etc. Even if you have reached middle age or you are a senior citizen, this exercise regime would definitely be going to help you to deal with aging-related metabolic failures of the body.
- Control your body weight
The busy and stressful life, and the tendency to crave sugary and junk food leads to being overweight in many individuals. Some individuals on the other hand are underweight, however, they try to put on muscles on their skinny constitution. The answer to all these problems is to get into a fitness regime under the instruction of a specialist. The instructor would structure your exercise regime along with the diet chart. Following the regime for some time would eventually lead you to the desired result.
3. Helps to maintain the sugar and insulin level
Diabetes is at the same time a hereditary and a lifestyle related disease. If there is a history of diabetes in your family lineage, you are very likely to be affected by this ailment after middle age. While, on the other hand, leading a sedentary lifestyle without any exercises imbalances your metabolic activity, and the insulin balance of your body is disturbed. This leads to increased sugar levels and a host of related problems that can be life-threatening.
By engaging in a brisk walk for at least half an hour, practicing yoga and meditation, doing some aerobic exercises, or Zumba would effectively rejuvenate your hormonal system. It will help you to maintain the sugar and insulin levels in your blood.
- Keeps your body flexible and your muscles strong with aging
By practicing yoga for a certain period of time, you will notice that the flexibility of your body has increased manifold. With aging, and the sedentary lifestyle, we gradually lose the flexibility of the body. Our muscles begin to lose their tonality, starting at middle age. If going through lightweight training under an instructor, you can get back the tonality and strength of your body, and you would look much younger for your age.
- Help you quit smoking
Exercise, especially yoga and meditation, along with pranayama, helps you cope with substance abuse and smoking. By practicing yoga and other mindful exercises, your craving for tobacco or alcohol is gradually lessened. It helps you to cope with withdrawal symptoms.
People who had been smokers for many years, and could not think of living without tobacco can opt for yoga and meditation classes. While practicing yoga, you get rooted in an inner center of peace and complacency. This would in turn help in releasing brain chemicals that help in reducing the craving for tobacco or alcohol.
- Reduce the risk of certain types of cancer
Recent studies have shown that a regular exercise regime, especially after the middle ages, would reduce the risk of certain cancers like colon, uterine, breast, and lung cancer. By reducing the craving for tobacco, which is one of the prime causes of lung cancer, you would lead a better and healthier life without any dependence on isotropic substances.
- Improves your mental health and your general mood
People who are suffering from acute cases of depression are suggested to adapt some exercise regime into their daily life. A simple routine of walking every day would change your mood for the better. An individual have enrolled themselves in some kind of fitness routine. He practiced some exercise techniques for some time. He often reports a betterment of his general mood. In fact, psychiatrists often recommend yoga and meditation along with medication to treat psychotic disorders.
- Helps maintain the sharpness of thoughts and mental processes active
One of the long-term effects of including exercise in your daily routine is that your mental processes remain sharp and active even with aging. With the increase of age, we gradually lose the efficacy of our nervous and brain cells. By practicing yoga and meditation, it has been observed that, the brain cells do not die even with the ageing processes. Individuals can perform intricate and delicate brain functions even after being sixty years old, thanks to the inclusion of yoga, or meditation for some time in their daily routine.
Some people tend to believe that yoga and meditation is an esoteric and spiritual practice and not for everyone. But this is not true. Anyone can practice yoga and meditation and can start at any age. Some simple changes in your lifestyle like including exercise in your daily routine, being mindful of the kind of food we eat, drinking enough water, and having a sound sleep would help you lead a happier and healthier lifestyle.